The Hoffman Twins

Friday, June 24, 2011

Our FIrst 5K (still in February)

Mom signed us up to run the Gasparilla 5K this year. 
We met up with her after her race.  She made us these cool
shirts and Dad got all Captain Hook on us. He had a 
hook hand and an eye patch that was so cool!
 Grammy "won"...but we'll beat her next year!

This is us sprinting.....
Then we stopped for a graham cracker...
At the end we all got a medal!!
Then we went to lunch with Uncle Al who is running now too!

Can't wait for next year!!

Playground fun with "Gammy"

Children's Museum (another late post)

The Children's Museum is a great place to hang out anytime.
Today we played in the water area until we soaked through
our rain coats. Then we headed upstairs to the Vet
Clinic.  Next we planted a few veggies in their garden
 before heading back downstaris for lunch.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


While Lily is busy putting bows in her hair and
dancing around in her twirling skirts, I am busy with
my other best friends....Big Bird and Elmo.
I got Elmo for my birthday and just love him.
Grandma gave us Big Bird; they are so much fun.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Right about the time of my second birthday...
I started to really "get in to" well...dressing up.
I like glassess, tutu's, most skirts that twirl...
oh and necklaces and bracelets too.
Oh yes...and bows in my hair..lots of them!

More Adventures...

Grandma gave us a pass to the GlazerChildren's Museum
for our Birthday. We love it many fun things to do!
we can play in a big sand box....
drive a fire truck and boat
and even do some grocery shopping! It is great fun!

More visitors....lots of fun times!

Grandma Fillmore came down for our birthday
and stayed a few weeks. We were so glad...
We took her to all of our favorite places...
Here are some pictures from Busch Gardens.

Lily showed Grandma how to feed the birds.
We love the jump zone....Lily had to be dragged off by the helper.

You can really see the animals up close cool!
We are enjoying the rides now too!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

February...more birthday pics

We had a great party with our friends.  We played outside
made cool masks and had lunch. Afterwards we had the
cutest cupcakes decorated by Miss Lynne.